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      E-Katalog Ürün ve Servisler
      Kategori : Cam Işleme Makinalari

    ˎ ̥ quartz piece, quartz glass, clear quartz piece, polishing quartz piece, optics quartz piece, quartz tiles quartz piece of paper
    Quartz piece, usually by quartz smelting and cutting had become, the silica content of 99.99% above. Hardness of mo type seven levels, good resistance to high temperature and thermal expansion coefficient is low, cooling.under and electrical insulating performance is good, etc. Usually colorless transparent class, visible through rate above 85%.
    A, optical properties
    Quartz piece of optical performance has its unique, can be either through far ultraviolet ray, is all through the ultraviolet material addition, and through the near infrared spectrum can be visible light. Due to high temperature resistant quartz glass, thermal expansion coefficient is tiny, chemical stability, bubbles, stripe, uniformity and birefringence and and general optical glass to rival, so it is in all kinds of bad situation work with high stability coefficient of optical an optical materials. According to the optical properties can be divided into three categories: 1. Far ultraviolet quartz glass JGS1 in ultraviolet, and within the scope of visible spectrum transparent; In 185-250 nm band range without absorption belt; In 2600-2800 nm band within the area with strong absorption; The luminous, irradiation stability. 2. Ultraviolet quartz glass JGS2 in ultraviolet, and within the scope of visible spectrum transparent; In 200-250 nm band range without absorption belt; In 2600-2800 nm band within the area with strong absorption; The luminous, irradiation stability. 3. Infrared optical quartz glass JGS3 in the visible and infrared spectrum range transparent; In 2600-2800 nm band range with no obvious absorption. And ordinary Portland than glass, clear quartz glass in the whole wavelength head good through the performance. In the infrared spectrum than common glass area through; In the visible region, quartz glass of through rate is also high. In the ultraviolet spectrum area especially in short wave ultraviolet area, spectrum than other glass through better spectrum through rate by three factors: reflection, scattering and absorption. Quartz glass reflection is commonly 8%, ultraviolet area a few bigger, infrared area small. So the quartz glass through rate generally no more than 92%. Quartz glass scattering is small, can generally ignored. Spectrum absorption and quartz glass impurity content and process have close relations; In less than 200 meters of sodium through rate height, the representative of the metal impurity content how many; 240 the absorption of oxygen sodium m said how much of the structure; The absorption of the visible spectrum is due to the existence of transition metal ions to cause, the absorption of sodium 2730 meters of hydroxyl groups is absorption peaks, can be used to calculate the hydroxyl content. Through performance spectrum absorption spectrum with hydroxyl calculation: A GE calculation formula of C = 910 / T * LOG10 (Ta/Tb) mm-1 C: hydroxyl content (C, PPM) T: thickness (mm) Ta: 2600 sodium m wavelength of through rate Tb: 2730 sodium m wavelength of through rate B: China's national standard calculation formula: C = 96.5 / d * LG10 (Ia/I) mm-1 C: hydroxyl content (PPM) d: thickness (cm) Ia: 2730 sodium mickey line to the zero line distance (mm) I: 2730 sodium m absorption peaks to zero line distance (mm) spectrum through rate: 1 mm thickness) other thickness spectrum through rate can use formula: T = (1-R) 2 e-at T: through rate R: SLR shoot loss. E: natural logarithms base. T: thickness (cm) spectrum through rate nm wavelength
    Second, physical properties
    Quartz piece is made using silicon dioxide special industrial technology glass, it is a kind of very good base material. Quartz piece with a series of excellent physical and chemical properties, such as: 1, high temperature resistant. Quartz glass softening point temperature of about 1730 ℃, 1100 ℃ in the long time of use, the short time the highest use temperatures up to 1450 ℃. 2 and corrosion. In addition to the hydrofluoric acid, quartz glass almost no and other acid material produces chemical reaction, the acid ability is the ceramic 30 times, stainless steel 150 times, especially in high temperature chemical stability, is any other engineering materials can match. 3, thermal stability. To adapt to the glass thermal expansion coefficient of tiny, can withstand severe temperature changes, the quartz glass heated to 1100 ℃ or so, in room temperature water also won't crack. 4, pervious to light good performance. Quartz piece in ultraviolet ray to infrared spectral bands have into the good pervious to light performance, visible light transmittance of 93% or more, especially in ultraviolet spectrum area, the biggest through rate can reach more than 80.
    Quartz piece is the formation of the high temperature melt because of its high viscosity caused by the results. Used to make semiconductors, electric light source device, half the communication device, laser, optical instrument, laboratory instruments, electrical equipment, medical equipment and resistance to high temperature corrosion resistance of chemical equipment, chemical, electronic, metallurgy, building materials and defense industry etc, used widely. Jiangsu DongHaiXian quartz technology of long production quartz piece of high precision and no bubble, the surface is smooth, corrosion resistance, pervious to light quality good, especially for treatment, electronic, chemical, war industry and other optical instrument observation window window.

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      Jiangsu Donghaixian Citizen Town Industrial Park   222300   Lianyungang  / Çin
    Tel : 86-13775408905    Fax :        

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    Ilgili : Henry   Wu   /  Trade Manager

Son Güncelleme: 25.10.2011
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